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9 February 2022

Freemasons Victoria is conducting a Culture Engagement Survey to gather the opinions of members across Victoria. The aim is to improve the member and Lodge experience.

This confidential and secure survey aims to measure viewpoints about the culture of Freemasonry in this state. It seeks to establish “what defines our Lodge and participation in Freemasonry?”

Freemasons Victoria is using a third-party organisation, ShareTree, to conduct the survey. This will ensure the process is conducted securely and confidentially.

Any specific information that you share will only be available to ShareTree. All information provided to Freemasons Victoria will be anonymised and aggregated. Where you are a member of multiple Lodges please record the Lodge that you most regularly attend.

The purpose of the survey is to gather as many insights as possible so we can improve our organisational culture. Further member input will be sought through contact sessions, so members can offer suggestions and implement solutions specific to each Lodge. Those discussions will be guided by the survey findings.

To begin the survey, please click here

Freemasons Victoria seeks to develop a positive culture, reflecting our values and teachings. This survey is a major step to offer an opportunity to create, unite and improve the Lodge experience.

Thank you in advance for your commitment, honesty, and innovation.

MWBro. Richard Elkington
Grand Master