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7 August 2020


Brethren, as you will be aware the Grand Superintendent of Membership has encouraged Lodges to conduct meetings via Zoom on the day and time of their normal Lodge meeting.  This is a great initiative to create a level of Masonic normality in these difficult times.

Lodges are encouraged to conduct these business meetings and to keep minutes, read candidates, pass financials for payment and submit Lodge Meeting Reports. To assist Brethren the Ritual & Ceremonial Committee has developed an approved form of Opening & Closing for Lodges using the Zoom platform. This does not replace the approved form published in the Book of Lodge Workings for a normal Lodge meeting. There is no requirement for Lodge furnishings such as columns or gavels to be present and the dress code is a matter for each individual Lodge to determine.

Candidates and applicants should be invited to the meeting and welcomed after the Lodge business is completed at the time visitors would normally be invited into the Lodge room. Candidates and applicants should also be welcomed to the virtual South after the meeting closes should the Lodge choose to hold a South.

Brethren, Lodges are empowered to engage with their members via Zoom. In these difficult times I encourage you to be creative, work together, look after each other and enjoy your Freemasonry as best possible.

The new Opening & Closing procedure is located in the secure section of the FV Members Website and can only be used for Lodges meeting via zoom or a similar platform. Use of the document is not compulsory but encouraged.

To access the Opening & Closing procedure, please select Resources from the main menu, select Member Resources followed by Lodge. Alternatively, you can click here.


RWBro. Garry Runge OAM JP
Grand Secretary