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4 September 2020


Freemasonry in Victoria continues to shine, despite some disappointments about the ongoing Coronavirus restrictions across the state that slow us from doing some of our good works.

As a fraternity, we are enormously proud of one of our members who has been named by the Governor-General as a recipient of an Australian Bravery decoration. Because of the sensitive circumstances surrounding the incident, our Brother's identity has been anonymised. However, this does not stop us applauding the personal qualities of this fine Freemason, and we express our pride in him being recognised.

Pride was also the emotion when Freemasons Foundation Victoria this week made a $99,980 cheque presentation to farmers in north-eastern Victoria for bushfire recovery, especially with hard-to-access farming. We made similar donations to Gippsland farmers earlier this year. Thanks to all involved in these wonderful examples of Masonic charity.

This is Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth in action. Tolerance is a major part of the Masonic story. Tolerance is defined as the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one may dislike or disagree with.

Our behaviour is central to the Masonic experience. When I visit Lodges, the recurring theme of questions is to ask about my vision for a couple of years ahead, after COVID-19. I think we all want to see an organisation where we truly understand the teachings, values and principles of Freemasonry.

Good ideas are one thing, putting them into action is another. I am pleased that today we are announcing that The Ethics Centre has been appointed to conduct the review of Freemasons Victoria governance, policies and behaviours.  Dr Simon Longstaff AO, Executive Director of The Ethics Centre, will lead the review team. The findings will be announced by the time of the December Quarterly Communication.

What an exciting time it is to be a Freemason in Victoria. We are all trying to improve ourselves – and everything we do – as members, as Lodges, as Districts, as Grand Lodge, and as a worldwide fraternity. This week, I want to give a special shout-out to the 257 Masonic mentors appointed across the state. Well done Brethren. Every best wish with your work.

My ongoing wish is for all is to: Stay Well, Stay Safe, Stay Connected.

Bye for now.

MWBro. Richard Elkington

Grand Master