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1 October 2021

Dedication to Garry Runge


I am sure that we have all dreamt about being paid for pursuing our hobby- but few fulfil that dream.

In the case of our former Grand Secretary, RWBro. Garry Runge, he was selected for the role of Grand Secretary just over three years ago.

He joined the leadership team having managed the office of a Federal MP; managed a business offering mediation and other workplace services and had a successful and satisfying career in the Victorian Police. In other words, at 69, he has been in the workforce for around 50 years.

I am reliably informed that the personal qualities and principals that defined Garry at FV are the same as those that guided him through life.

Honesty, through advising those around him of the truth as opposed to what they might want to hear;

Personal Integrity, through not placing himself and advising others to not place themselves in any compromising situation;

Problem solving, through always seeking for a resolution and all parties saving face;

Loyalty, through acting at all times in the best interests of Freemasonry, even at personal cost;

Empathy, through being able to understand the feelings of others

The job of Grand Secretary demands almost 24/7 attention; an ability to support and manage a staff team and teams of volunteers; an ability to withstand personal abuse and an ability to focus on those matters that are important BUT, MOST of ALL, a supportive partner.  I also thank Sue for her dedication and support.

Garry, my Supporter, Counsellor, Adviser and Friend- Thanks for everything.

MWBro. Richard Elkington
Grand Master