8 September 2021
Today we have received details of a further email from Bro. Minster who says, in his own words: “We are processing a bulk attempt to discredit Ian Upjohn – possibly forcing him to resign prior to the vote occurring.” (The email is highlighted below.)
Bro. Minster has urged his email recipients to lodge complaints with the Victorian Bar about our volunteer Grand Registrar, VWBro. Upjohn, who is an eminent and respected Queen's Counsel.
Behaviour such as this email cannot be tolerated.
As your Grand Master, I want to continue our focus on the positive aspects of Freemasons Victoria, especially our key tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
Earlier this week, I wrote to you about the serious breach of security after Bro. Barry Minster acknowledged in writing that, without authorisation, he had used the private email addresses of thousands of members. This is not the way that Freemasons conduct themselves.
Our fraternity has a great capacity for many viewpoints to be shared in our Lodge Rooms and on the floor of Grand Lodge.
MWBro. Richard Elkington
Grand Master
I have written to each of you as you have offered your support in the matter before Freemasonry Victoria.
Now you can assist by simply lodging a formal complain into the legitimacy of the advice given by our Grand register to our Grand Master – this will cause Ian Upjohn to resign and Richard Elkington to rethink the position.
If you inclined to write to the Victoria Bar Council lodging a complaint that Mr Ian Upjohn QC [Grand Registrar] has erroneously acted in giving advice to Mr Richard Elkington which was not independent resulting on supporting Mr Elkington [Grand Master] to act outside of the constitutions of The United Grand lodge of Victoria.
You would of course be A very concerned member of this illustrious organisation.
We are processing a bulk attempt to discredit Ian Upjohn – possibly forcing him to resign prior to the vote occurring.
Use the link below to start your concern:
Barry Minster OAM”