Freemasons Victoria Integrity Unit Communication – No.1


As you are aware, the Grand Master has recently announced the formation of the Freemasons Victoria Integrity Unit (IU).  This unit will be chaired by Bro. Peter Henshall, and includes Bros. Murray Luxford, Peter Murdoch, and Giorgio Migliaccio. 

A copy of its Charter is available on the Freemasons Victoria website.

The principal objective of the Integrity Unit is to oversee the ethical framework within Freemasons Victoria, to ensure that all members enjoy their Masonic life without fear of being subjected to inappropriate behaviour, or being placed in uncomfortable situations contrary to their wishes. No member should be pressured to do anything other than enjoy and appreciate our teachings.

The Integrity Unit will have the authority to investigate matters, referred to it by the Grand Secretary, which may appear to be breaches of Masonic behaviour and standards. The Unit will also have the scope to initiate its own inquiries to gather information and formulate plans for the next steps. This may include providing confidential advice, mediation, coaching on appropriate behaviours and interactions, and recommended learning programs.

The Integrity Unit has the ability to co-opt and engage with expert internal and external parties, as required, in such areas as decision making and planning advice for Lodges, interpersonal relationships, the impacts on others of poor or inappropriate behaviour, and dispute mediation. In these matters, it is expected that the IU will have a close relationship with the Grand Secretariat, District Coordinators, and Mentors.

While the Integrity Unit has the authority to engage with internal and external subject matter experts, its principal engagement will be with you, the general membership, and the issues and suggestions that you provide.

It is important to note that the Integrity Unit is not about “witch hunts” or “getting revenge” for a perceived slight. Neither is it about providing a vehicle for any member’s publicly expressed opinions through social media.  It is simply about supporting an environment that reinforces the principles of proper and ethical behaviour towards each other, as so apply exemplified in our ritual.

The Integrity Unit may be contacted through the Grand Secretary, by email or letter. All submissions will be treated with the strictest confidentiality, however, if a Brother chooses to submit an anonymous issue, that can’t be verified, it may limit the ability of the unit to deliver suitable advice or a resolution.

A full set of process guidelines will be published on the website in the near future.


Richard Elkington                                             Peter Henshall
Grand Master                                                   Chairman Integrity Unit

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