18 September 2020
Hello Brethren
Freemasons across Victoria are emerging from semi-darkness to light. In regional areas, COVID-19 restrictions are starting to lift, and as the spring weather kicks in, there is renewed hope and anticipation. The Kyneton Gentlemen's Club, a Masonic social group, are starting to meet in person for twice-a-week coffees from this week.
It is still some time off when Lodges and Masonic Centres will re-open across Victoria, but I am really encouraged to see the number of Zoom meetings that are keeping us all in touch. Interestingly, a number of past members, some unaffiliated, even some who had resigned, are amongst those attending.
That tells us that every Lodge has a job to do in re-connecting with all our members, past and present, and getting them along to our online meetings. Please make sure you list your meeting in the What's On guide of the FVNews Daily. One Lodge attributes such a listing to having more than 50 extra brethren that would have not otherwise attended.
Is your Lodge having a Zoom get-together on your normal monthly meeting night? If there are technical challenges, please contact your District Coordinator who will help put steps into action to make it easy. I am happy to attend your meeting, so is the Deputy Grand Master, so are the District Coordinators, and so are the leaders of our Volunteer Action Teams.
The District Coordinators are a hard-working group, and I was pleased to be invited to be with them this week. I thank them for the marvellous contribution that they make.
I was so impressed to be a visitor at Mount Shadwell Lodge, and there were some courageous stories told by members, especially our younger brethren, about mental health challenges. These are compelling stories of courage.
One online meeting was the international exchange meeting between Victoria's Lodge of the Golden Fleece, and Lodge Quilon in Kerala. I congratulate all involved in this initiative towards better international understanding in our great brotherhood. Well done Brethren!
As always my wish for you and your family is to: Stay Well, Stay Safe and Stay Connected.
Bye for now.
MWBro. Richard Elkington
Grand Master