10 August 2020
Twelve months ago hardly anyone had heard of Zoom and the thought of meeting virtually on a regular basis was science fiction. Both young and old are quickly learning the meaning of agility and adaptation, not always by choice, and sometimes at great personal cost in the loss of close relationships and the comfort we derive from contact with loved ones.
As Freemasons we are carrying our own burden through being unable to gather and share our Craft and companionship. Of course, as Freemasons, we are bearing up stoically and I thank each and every one of you for the contribution you are making to firstly keeping us all safe, and secondly for keeping us united in the bonds of brotherly love.
As you know, I became Grand Master in June of this year, following a period of disharmony at the top of our fraternity. You all would have guessed that something has not been right for some time now, with public comment about bad behaviour and bullying, an investigation into leaking of confidential documents, and venting on social media.
I have talked about what I would like to see in Freemasonry in Victoria. Part of that vision is greater transparency and openness in our dealings with each other. Of course, this is a noble sentiment and one brimming with good intent. However, as we all know, it is meaningless unless backed by action.
That sentiment aligns with a pledge I made back in March to conduct a full and open inquiry into allegations of bullying and bad behaviour. I believe that now is the time to take action to ensure that when the world emerges from these dark times we will walk together, and gather again, in a new era of understanding.
We will have a greater sense of what is really important to us as individuals, as Freemasons, and as members of society. In Freemasonry we will underpin this with greater transparency, clarity and honesty in our dealings with one another.
In order to fully grasp what this means I believe there needs to be an understanding of the impediments that exist in our organisation today that prevent or hinder us from feeling that it is safe to share, to be honest, and to be open with one another.
To reach a state where the decisions of the Board of General Purposes are available for all in the Craft to read, where decisions on how members’ funds are being utilised and invested in for example, property development, are transparent and open to scrutiny, and most importantly where Freemasons in Victoria feel that they are truly involved in the future of our Craft, requires an examination of our current, and past practices.
I have requested the President of the Board of General Purposes to commission a thorough review and audit of our policies and practices and our adherence, or otherwise, to those standards. To ensure independence, and to ensure that the office of Grand Master and the Board of General Purposes are not sheltered from this process, it will be conducted by external, independent parties.
In addition to reviewing our policies and practices this review must also examine where we have fallen short, and recommend what steps are required to get us back onto a solid footing for good governance.
From this point we will have clarity and confidence in what is required to achieve greater transparency and openness. I have no hesitation in making a firm commitment to the membership that, whatever the results and recommendations of this review may be, the complete, unredacted, report will be made available to all members.
Brethren, there will be some amongst us who question the need, or some who challenge the motive for such action. I trust that the majority of you will have faith and confidence in this decision and recognise that in order to move forward we must have awareness, understanding, and ownership of what holds us back.
As we progress through this process I, along with the President of the Board of General Purposes, will keep you informed of progress. In the meantime, please, stay well, stay safe, and stay connected.
MWBro. Richard Elkington
Grand Master